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Have you ever felt like, no matter what you do, things just don’t seem to add up in the relationship
department? Or like life has a funny way of showing us the things we want but can’t seem to obtain?
We are taught by our parents, books, movies, and society what love is supposed to be. Love looks
different for everyone; we are all individuals with different needs and desires.

Why not clear the blocks that stop you from having relationships that fulfill and support you? Let’s
discover what love is for you! Join me as we dig in and clear the thoughts, patterns, and beliefs that
are stopping you from having love YOUR way!

In this session, you can:

  • Clear the patterns and beliefs of what love is and what love isn’t for you.
  • Release the blocks that make you think you can’t have or don’t deserve the kind of relationship you desire.
  • Fill in yourself with the love that will fulfill and support you.